Friday 17 May 2013

Day 85: Happy Birthday, As of Yesterday!

Worked again today. An awful shift; 1-9.

After work, I went straight to a birthday party. So I didn't really get anything done today at all, but hey, I had fun.

All of my highschool friends have birthdays within two months of mine, so there's like this season in April-May-June of birthday parties. I love it.

It was lots of fun, I loved hanging out with a whole bunch of friends. I didn't even flinch with all the food on the table and not being able mooch and eat any of it. I did flinch with all the drinks though. My friends next to me were all drinking yummy-looking things, and I kept wanting to steal a sip, or leaning into the straws. I don't actually want alcohol, and I don't actually want to get drunk, I just want to have fun and forget my stomach for one night.

Oh, and her birthday was yesterday, which is why the title. :)

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